Who can benefit?

Electrolysis is for anyone and everyone who wants to be rid of unwanted hair, regardless of where on the body, with two notable exceptions: I cannot remove hair from inside the nose or the inner canal of the ear. Treatment on all other parts of the body are permissible.​

What does it feel like?

There will be a sensation, and what that feels like is different for each person. If you're not feeling anything, then nothing's happening, and the sensation might be uncomfortable (some parts of the body are more naturally sensitive than others). ​ My goal in your treatments will always be to individualize the settings specifically to you to make sure that we are able to move as quickly and effectively as possible, keeping it as comfortable as possible.

How will it affect my skin?

There will be slight swelling and redness in the area after your treatments, and the area where the follicles open on the skin may look a bit like mosquito bites. These effects are temporary, reducing very quickly. We will treat the area with antiseptics and antihistamine gel to help reduce the swelling. We will go over all the specifics of how to take care of your skin in the days after your treatment to ensure best results.​

How long will it take?

This is something that we will evaluate and discuss in person, as each client's needs are different. The larger the area you are looking to clear, the longer it will take to accomplish. In your first visit, we will discuss your goals, and map out your treatment plan. ​

How does Electrolysis compare with other methods?

Electrolysis is the only method that is permanent. Laser may reduce the hairs, but will not completely remove them. Also, laser often works best for people with light skin and dark hair; there are no such restrictions with electrolysis.​

Shaving, waxing, sugaring, and threading are all temporary.​ ​ While these methods are quick, the fact that they are not permanent means that they are solutions that you never stop using. Electrolysis takes longer to treat an entire area, but once follicles are properly treated, no further hair will emanate from them.

How do I get started?

Simply call 770-866-4377 or CLICK HERE to schedule your complimentary virtual consultation.

At your first appointment I will spend time getting to know your skin, your growth patterns, and your hair. I will be adjusting settings to fit you and and creating a treatment plan for future visits. This first appointment should be kept from 15 minutes - 1 hour.

After your session we’ll remind you of your home-care recommendations.